The Carriage House
Working together to overcome mental illness
Accredited by Clubhouse International — Proudly Serving Fort Wayne, IN

A Clubhouse is first and foremost a community of people. Much more than simply a program, or a social service, a Clubhouse is most importantly a community of people who are working together toward a common goal. The Carriage House is open to any person who has been diagnosed with one or more of our list of mental illness diagnosis. Members work on their recovery at their own pace through a combination of being a part of a community, being part of a work unit, and accessing our services such as housing, employment, education, etc. The Carriage House is free to join and there are no membership dues. Check out our brochure below in the "Downloads" section below.
Membership to The Carriage House is free, voluntary, and without time limits. This means that once you become a member, you are considered a member for life. The Carriage House is only for adults (age 18 and older) who have been diagnosed with one of the following mental illnesses:
• Schizophrenia
• Bipolar Disorder
• All Depressive Disorders
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Dissociative Disorder
• Anxiety Disorder
• Psychotic Disorders
• Most Personality Disorders
The first step to membership is to visit the Carriage House and take a tour. A staff and member will show you around and explain all the areas of the clubhouse, the work done there, the benefits that members can utilize, and the different programs that the clubhouse offers.
Next, we will need to confirm your diagnosis. If you receive services for your mental health through Parkview or Park Center, we can confirm your diagnosis the same day as your tour. However, if you received a diagnosis from another source ( i.e. Bowen Center or a doctor who is out of town), your doctor will need to fill out a referral form which will need to be returned to us. The referral form can be found in the "Downloads" section above. Your doctor may print it out and give it back to you to return to us in person the next time you visit, or they may fill out the form and fax it to us at 260-423-4621.
Once those steps are complete, you will receive a folder with some standard paper work ("New Member Packet") that will be used to add your name and information to our various databases that are used to track member attendance, emergency contact information, reach out preferences, and more. A staff member will sit with you and assist you in filling out the paper work and answer any questions you may have.
Upon the completion of the New Member Packet, you will become an official member of The Carriage House and receive a Member ID card!