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The Carriage House
Working together to overcome mental illness
Accredited by Clubhouse International — Proudly Serving Fort Wayne, IN
The Carriage House offers help to members wanting to go back to work. Members pursuing employment first participate in the work ordered day while at the clubhouse. The activities of the Clubhouse assist members to gain skills and confidence to return to the workforce. Members then choose from two types of employment:
Transitional Employment
Supported Employment
Transitional Employment
Transitional employment is a time-limited job opportunity, usually 6-9 months in duration. In TE the employer supplies an open part-time position. In turn, the clubhouse provides qualified, highly motivated candidates. TE positions belong to the clubhouse, not to the individual employee, so coverage is guaranteed. As such, if an absence is required our staff will cover the shift and no hourly wages will be paid out. Since the employees are part-time, there are no costs for sick leave, vacation time, holidays, or overtime. In addition certain tax incentives may apply. All of which equals big savings to participating employers. It also enables local businesses to make a positive contribution to the community.
The hallmark of TEP is the on-site support provided by The Carriage House Staff. The Staff manages the TEP position for the employer.
Characteristics of TEP are:
The Carriage House Staff learns all aspects of the part-time job to verify the position is appropriate for TE.
Staff selects a member from our list of ready candidates.
Staff train each member for several shifts ensuring quality work.
Staff guarantees employer satisfaction by conducting weekly on-site visits.
If a member is absent, staff works the shift free of charge to the employer.
TE placements are a duration of six to nine months. Staff select and train a new member once the previous members finishes the TE position.

For information regarding the employment programs offered by The Carriage House, contact Tom Weir at
(260) 414-6817 or
Supported Employment
The Carriage House Supported Employment Program (SEP) assists employers by referring members to the employer. These individuals are ready for more independent work. Our Staff can provide initial on-site training and ongoing support for permanent positions. Unlike TEP jobs, Staff does not cover for absences.
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