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The Carriage House
Working together to overcome mental illness
Accredited by Clubhouse International — Proudly Serving Fort Wayne, IN
Welcome to The Carriage House - We are glad you found us!
The Carriage House is one of nearly 300 clubhouses that exist world wide - eleven of which are located in Indiana. The clubhouse is a community of support for people with mental illness. Our mission is to assist people in their recovery from mental illness and reintegration into the community. This is an evidence-based, non-traditional, non-medical setting where "Members" work side-by-side with staff on meaningful work which helps build the confidence and self esteem necessary to reclaim their lives. Membership is free, voluntary, and without time limits. Once you become a Member, you are a Member for life and always welcomed at The Carriage House. Click here to find out how to join.
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